Happy Friday

​Beautiful monochromatic bouquet

​Beautiful monochromatic bouquet

What a perfect kitchen and a great post on cooking for others

What a perfect kitchen and a great post on cooking for others

​So simple and so inviting

​So simple and so inviting

​Love the warmth of all the wood

​Love the warmth of all the wood

Reminds me of a summer evening

Reminds me of a summer evening

Looks like the perfect place to decompress from the week

Looks like the perfect place to decompress from the week

I have a couple posts that I was hoping to get to this week, but that pesky thing called work got in the way. So ​I leave you this Friday with a few favorite images I came across this week. Hope you have a lovely and relaxing weekend. Fingers crossed more original posts next week!​

Art I Heart

New Neutrals